Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Folio # 114207-1

Oakbrook Center (plus newcomers...D.S. & Durga, Mast (Chocolate). RR #1 (Apothecary). Henri Bendells. Niche (or City Soles. British Tabacco Co. (or subsidized as Marshall McGearty's ??? great design!) subcontract # 807513-1

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Originally posted in 2017 Bon Marché

To who it may concern,

Frango is not for sale. This year Frango was rebranded by The Trump Organization. The Macy's building is Private Equity and was leased out to the Ivana Trump in 1992.  It was built by Kahlil Gibran and my great-grandmother Marie's father, Éliphas Lévi. Frango was a brand of his Parisian confectionary, called the Bon Marché, which the building was originally intended for. When he couldn't afford to utilize the building after the "Chicago Fire", Marie started a confectionary called Lefévre Utile on the 10th Floor. She and her first husband opened a chocolate factory called Whitman's Chocolate as a result of her success. The Whitman assembly line delivered her from "hell's kitchen". In 1921 her brother Napoleon branded his merchandise from the Orient, Marshall Field and Co. with William Frederick Cody (Blackbeard) and James Butler Hicock Wild Bill Hicock). The Cowboys herded cattle through Bucktown and also worked for The Barnum and Bailey Rodeo with Theda Bara as Pocahauntas. Wild Bill was an artisan saddle maker for John M. Smyth Co.  

The name Bon Marché was resurrected in 1946 as Frango Mints Candy Shop by Herman Berghoff and Henri "Bourgeois" Bendel.  In 1956 Marie opened another chocolate factory and re-branded as Fannie May with her second husband John Hancock. My grandmother, Theda Bara, used the profit to  finance the Grand Re-opening of Dobbs Fifth Ave. as Sax Fifth Avenue in Oakbrook Center. In 1958 she started yet another brand called Cupid's Candies with my mother, Rosemary. In 1978 Rosemary completed her cookbook using the pen name Betty Crocker which included her baked goods. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Folio # 23508125791-1

Applebee's. Dominic's Fresh Foods. North Face (Ski) Lodge ((w/ Caribou Coffee)). Ann Sathers. Harris Tweed. HI Hostels www.hihostels.com/ ----------------------------------------Previous folio # 9141AHS032-1 (or 2) Registration confirmed) The Pennisula Hotel, Honolulu. Habita Hotel, Mexico. Island Records. Shrine MGT Group.Ed Hardie's Cafe. Rock of Ages Tattoo. TAKKO (food & drink) Foodland. The Temple Bar. Hilo. Comparino https://www.camparino.com ............................................................................# 2301058937-1 :: Je du Fleet (Doll la Plume. Converse All Stars (Concept Salon...Architects François.) Enchanted Castle ((Arcadia)). Jeepers Creepers ((Hot Topic)). Hunter's Alley ((Bowling Brats)). Eye Want. Twisted Spoke. Fluvog ............................................................................


: Gold Medal Concessions : Lyric Opera. Circus Vargus. Nascar. 
